

Prepare for 教育事业 with our Humanities for Teaching major at 国外博彩app. Embark on a journey to shape your future as an educator.


通过强大的人文学科培养未来的教师 & 耶稣会的方法

利玛窦学院的学生, Humanities for Teaching degree and specialization take foundational humanities classes and specialized teaching classes, 以及他们想教的学科的课程. Two required internships give students real teaching experience. 

The Humanities for Teaching major is ideal for students interested in teaching secondary education, 教育事业 或者对第二专业感兴趣. The institute’s coursework and experiences feature the best of Jesuit education through lively discussion in small classes, a curriculum centered on challenging questions and close attention to individual students.

目的是, 最重要的是, to foster a life worth living through a deeper sense of oneself and connection with our global community.

Specialization in Elementary Education, Your Path to Teaching

We also offer a specialization in elementary education in partnership with 国外博彩app's College of Education:

  • 在他们大三和大四的时候, students prepare to apply for a Washington State Elementary (K-8) Teaching Credential and an English Language Learner (ELL) endorsement.
  • Once students complete their degree and specialization and earn their certificate, they are eligible to teach right away in both private and public schools.


如何从这个学位中学习 利玛窦研究所 对你的职业目标有帮助吗. Then, explore course requirements and see how impactful a 国外博彩app degree can be.

主要ing in humanities for teaching is a transformative commitment. This specialized focus equips you to inspire students with a deep appreciation for literature, 哲学, 历史, 还有艺术. 通过人文教育, 你会培养批判性思维和沟通技巧, laying the groundwork for a meaningful career shaping the intellectual growth of future generations in diverse educational settings.

This program is ideal if you are interested in teaching for secondary education, 教育事业, 或者对第二专业感兴趣. 

课程内容包括领导教学, 社会身份检验, 对直接课堂体验的反思, 影响教育实践的因素, 和更多的. 



This program is ideal for students if you are interested in interested in teaching at the elementary level in the state of Washington. 

Course content includes developmental psychology and assessment practices for math, 科学, 识字和社会研究.



Upon completing the core of their undergraduate studies, 利玛窦研究所 students are able to demonstrate the ability to:

  • Practice humanistic inquiry in matters of structural injustice and perennial human concern.
  • Utilize reflection consistent with Jesuit Catholic traditions in decision making.
  • Explain the impacts that social factors such as power or privilege have on their life circumstances and on those of others.
  • 对比不同的和平与正义概念.
  • Articulate ideas clearly and persuasively in context-appropriate speech and writing.

Upon completing their degree, Humanities graduates are able to:

  • Form connections between disparate courses and subject areas.
  • Demonstrate the relevance of Humanities concepts to contemporary issues and lived experience.

Upon completing their degree, Humanities for Teaching graduates are able to:

  • 分析社会因素——以阶级为重点, 比赛, 或者其他影响学校的显著特征, 孩子们, 以及他们的家人.
  • Create and execute lesson plans or other educational experiences grounded in effective pedagogy in diverse learning environments.






艺术学院 & 科学 is committed to helping you through your lifetime journey of professional formation and discernment. We offer opportunities to deepen and broaden your understanding of your professional identity.



Our peer-reviewed online publication provides an opportunity for you to publish your research. Publication can help you prepare for advanced studies at top graduate programs or demonstrate knowledge and skills when applying for non-academic positions.



Our advising center is dedicated to your holistic academic and professional through academic advising and promotion of academic excellence. We work to solve problems, provide navigational guidance and build connections.
