Student Government Club Funding


How to Request Club Funding

Learn how to get started

Key Documentation:

Weeks is defined as SGSU business weeks. SGSU在正常的周内上课. 但是,SGSU将不接受期末考试周和季度休息期间的申请.e.(暑假、寒假和春假),以及期末考试前一周.e., week ten of a quarter).

Example: For a request under $1,000, 如果一个活动将在休息结束后一周举行, the request must be made two weeks (i.e.期末考试前(第九周).

  • Requests $2,6万或以上的费用应在活动日期前至少6个SGSU工作周提出.
  • If the ask is between $1,000 and under $2,000, 请求应在活动日期前至少四个SGSU工作周提出.
  • If the ask is under $1,000, 请求应在活动日期前至少两个SGSU工作周提出.
Request Bracket Time Required Action Required
$0—under $1,000 Two (2) SGSU business weeks in advance of event None
$1,000 —under $2,000 Four (4) SGSU business weeks in advance of event Present to Finance Committee for Approval
$2,000 and above Six (6) SGSU business weeks in advance of event Present to Senate for Approval

The SGSU Funding Rubric

See info below

SGSU/SU Mission

  • 这个活动如何为苏大带来更大的好处?

SU Community

  • What is the reach of this event?
  • How many students will it impact?

Outside Funding Efforts

  • 扶轮社在多大程度上寻求其他筹款方式而非SGSU的捐款?


  • SGSU要求的资金具体用于什么?


  • 扶轮社如何处理拨款的先决程序?

Process Overview


  • Treasurer fills out Budget Request Form.


  • Schedule time with CFO present.


  • CFO will reach out with SGSU decision.
  • Email club activity string to CFO.

After event

  • Save receipts.
  • Submit all receipts.
  • Remaining funds of $20 will be returned.
  1. Step 1

    Visit ConnectSU

    Go to your club’s ConnectSU page. Click “Manage Organization”.

    screenshot of step 1 - make request

  2. Step 2

    Click drop-down

    Go to the top left and click the drop down.

    screenshot of step 2 - make request

  3. Step 3

    Create New Request

    Click the “Create New Request” then click  "Create Budget Request" for SGSU appropriations.

    Step 3 - make a request

  4. Step 4

    Budget Details

    Finally, click "Budget Details" and fill out the form.

    Step 4 - make a request


  • 俱乐部或组织必须通过学生参与中心认可,才有资格获得SGSU拨款.
  • 申请资助的每个小组/小组的一名成员必须出席拨款的介绍. (if requested)
  • 俱乐部不得使用众包融资平台(GoFundMe), etc) or third-party payment systems ( square, PayPal, etc) Only Venmo is allowed as per Controller's Office preference.
  • 有资格获得资助并获得SGSU拨款的俱乐部将在其国外博彩app活动系列中看到资金反映.
  • Due to Washington state law, 国外博彩app的俱乐部和组织不允许进行任何形式的赌博(例如赌博), door prizes and raffles to fundraise).
  • If these limitations are violated at any time, 扶轮社一旦发现将会被通知,并可能影响其申请及/或拨款金额. 此外,俱乐部可能会被追究违反国外博彩app政策的责任.
  • Events that have already taken place
  • 为一般俱乐部或组织会议索取食物和饮料
  • 申请一般扶轮社营运经费,包括会费
  • 请求参加(直接或间接)资助某一政党或候选人的活动
  • Funding for alcohol at events
  • National airfare
  • 任何形式的国际旅行(包括机票).
  • 申请2000美元或以上的资金(不包括50%的外部资金)
  • 申请资助的活动,其中50%或以上的资金来自学校部门
  • 任何零用现金、杂项、开支、学费或个人开支.
  • Single-use printed materials (e.g., promotional materials)
  • 已收到SGSU年度拨款预算10%之扶轮社或组织之申请
  • 任何向SGSU申请资金的扶轮社都必须证明它已经(或将要)在接近SGSU拨款之外进行了重大的筹款努力.
  • Clubs requesting under $2,000英镑可酌情给予,最高可达活动的全部费用.
  • Clubs requesting over $2,必须在SGSU拨款之外资助至少50%的活动总费用.

SGSU财务委员会和首席财务官可自行决定终止资助奖励或申请. 你可以向SGSU参议院大会提出上诉.

  • 所有活动或项目的宣传必须包括“由SGSU赞助”和SGSU徽标.
  • 财务委员会可在会议期间增加其他规定,这些规定必须遵守.
  • 申请资助的每个小组/小组的一名成员必须出席拨款陈述。. Presentations may be requested for any proposal; however, they are required for funding requests over $500.
  • 扶轮社应提交收据的副本或扫描件给SGSU,以显示所授予的资金是如何使用和分配的 within two weeks of the event date.
  • 在批准资金后,将发出表格和/或电子邮件收取收据和发票.
  • 未能在两周内提交收据将导致 你们扶轮社下次的资助申请可能会被拒绝.
  • 注:收据必须逐项列出,并清楚地记录或扫描,以显示所使用的金额,并显示已支付.

如果你有超过20美元的剩余余额从奖励基金, you are required to give the balance back to SGSU

  • 新州学生会财务总监将会写一个日记账,将资金从你的扶轮社的活动链转移到新州学生会拨款活动链. The journal entry will be signed by SGSU Advisor, Marissa Robledo和扶轮社及领导部助理主任, Angel Asuncion-Reed. 签署后的日记账分录将被转发到财务总监办公室处理.

Get in Touch

SGSU Chief Financial Officer