Student Government Projects and Committees


Our Work

SGSU plays an active, leadership role in campus life. We also support voter registration every year. There are many ways you can get involved with SGSU. 如果你对发展领导力的机会感兴趣,请与我联系, management and communication skills.

SGSU Projects and Committees

Student Government Committees

Presidential Advisory Board (PAB)

  • 总统顾问委员会积极寻求学生群体的需求,有意关注历史上被边缘化的群体,以增强学生的体验.
  • The PAB committee is led by our President.
  • PAB works on many things, 但全年的主要项目是大学生状况调查(SUSS).


  • 指导委员会致力于通过发展和加强内部和外部联系,在国外博彩app学生政府内部建立一个欢迎和包容的社区.
  • This committee is led by our Senate Chair.
  • 指导委员会关注SGSU的内部流程,以确保我们的团队在积极高效的工作环境中工作.


  • 财务委员会旨在提供公平的财务治理, sustainable, and transparent for SGSU and all of its constituents.
  • This Finance Committee is led by our Chief Financial Officer.
  • 财务委员会主要负责SGSU的拨款程序和资助校园俱乐部.

Academic Affairs

  • 西雅图州立大学教务委员会旨在确保国外博彩app的本科生拥有适当的资源, collective representation, 和学习的机会,在一个与他们一起追求学术卓越的校园里茁壮成长.
  • 教务委员会由教务副校长领导.
  • 学术事务委员会全年开展许多项目,以提高整体学术经验,并开展学院特有的项目.


  • As the Communications Committee in SGSU, 我们的使命不仅是使信息可访问,而且通过社交媒体有效地与我们的选民沟通, email and in-person marketing.
  • By analyzing what works best marketing-wise through surveys, 我们将不断创新,不断改进我们的策略,以有效地接触到本科生群体.
  • 通讯委员会由通讯副总裁领导.
  • 传播委员会仅负责营销SGSU活动和SGSU作为一个组织.

University Committees

事实上,国外博彩app的每一个方面都是由大学委员会进行批判性分析和处理的. These groups—made up of faculty, staff, 学生和管理人员会面并形成倡议,以改善我们的校园, our education and our student experience. These committees value student perspectives. It is the responsibility of SGSU's University Affairs Committee, a sub-group of SGSU, to find and appoint student representatives to university committees.

这些被任命的人代表学生的声音,并负责与SGSU保持联系,以确保大学倡议和学生团体之间的连续性. If you are interested in an opportunity to develop leadership, management and communication skills, apply for any open positions on Handshake.

Need-Based Aid and Additional Scholarships

与多样性和包容性办公室会面,收集全校范围内LIFTSU倡议的最新情况. 支持多元化和包容办公室通过SGSU办公室提出的任何倡议. 创建一个推广LIFTSU正在做的工作,让学生了解情况. 与大学招生部门合作,倡导招募和保留代表性不足的学生. 在在校学生和大学招生部门之间建立沟通渠道.

Rep Lead: Braelyn
Team Members: Braelyn, Hyeri, Anna, Richard & Kateri
Additional Parties: VP of Diversity and Inclusion; Natasha Martin, SGSU University Affairs Committee; Sarah Trapizona, and Office of Multicultural Affairs

通过学生奖学金活动与学生坚持办公室合作并提供支持, promoting existing support systems, and encouraging an update to the university scholarship website, creating a University-wide emergency fund.

Rep Lead: Richard
Team Members: Richard, Braelyn, Leap, Anna & Kateri
Additional Parties: Student Persistence Office; Office of Multicultural Affairs; Center for Community Engagement

在州立大学校园的不同空间工作,以确定面临经济困难的学生的优先事项和需求. Through the office of SGSU; advocating through SGSU legislation, implementation of the SUSS, and more.

Rep Lead: Frederick
Team Members: Braelyn, Anna, Richard, Frederick & An
Additional Parties: Presidential Advisory Board

Mental Health Support

建立全校范围的心理健康日,为学生的心理健康创造一种共情感, faculty, and staff. 与学术大会(ACA)和其他教师联系,以增加对SU心理健康支持的理解.

Rep Lead: Frederick
Team Members: Richard, Leap, Jordan, Sophia, Hyeri & Irena
Additional Parties: VP of Student Development; Alvin Sturdivant, VP of Diversity; Natasha Martin, SGSU University Affairs Committee; Sarah Trapizona, Seattle University President; Eduardo Peñalver

与整个SU校园的组织合作,以确保创建一个可持续的努力,优先考虑心理健康. Create workshops for destressing, coping mechanisms, and self-care.

Rep Lead(s): Sophia & Isabelle
Team Members: Jordan, Sophia, Isabelle, Frederick, Bokyung, Irena & An
Additional Parties: SGSU President; Marrakech Maxwell, VP of Student Development; Alvin Sturdivant. VP of Diversity and Inclusion; Natasha Martin. Health and Wellness Crew (HAWC), Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), Seattle University President; Eduardo Peñalver.

Integration of Sustainable Practices


Rep Lead(s): Abem & Bokyung
Team Members: Abem, Bokyung, Jordan, Frederick & Anna
Additional Parties: SGSU President; Marrakech Maxwell, CEJS, PCS & Clubs; Sustainable Student Actions, SU Green Team, Engineers for a Sustainable World & EcoSangha Zen Community.

与查特韦尔和设施合作,建立更可持续的用餐习惯. (行动项目:给Chartwells的Terry发邮件,找出容器供应商)

Rep Lead: TBD
Team Members: Abem, Sophia, Frederick, Hyeri & Isabelle
Additional Parties: Chartwells, SGSU President; Marrakech Maxwell, SU Facilities

Accessibility for Students with Disabilities

Work with Facilities, Disability Services, 和SGSU代表创建可访问性修改地图(i.e. ramps, braille, elevators…) across campus for students. 与校园组织合作,计划和促进更新的实施.

Rep Lead: TBD
Team Members: Abem, Frederick & Jordan
Additional Parties: Disability Services


Rep Lead: TBD
Team Members: An
Additional Parties: Department of Public Safety, Disability Services & SGSU University Affairs Committee; Sarah Trapizona.

设计和收集更多国外博彩app残疾学生住宿方法的数据和信息. 编制学校学生会办公室可以倡导实施的建议.

Rep Lead: TBD
Team Members:
Additional Parties: Disability Services

Work with Health and Wellness Crew (HAWC), The Outreach Center, and Collegia programs on Mental Health support for students on campus.

Rep Lead: TBD
Team Members: Jordan, Sophia, Isabelle & Irena
Additional Parties: HAWC, The Outreach Center, Collegiums; McGoldrick, Reidy, The Commuter Link & VP of Student Development; Alvin Sturdivant.

Connect with SGCU

The SGSU office is located in Student Center 360

SGSU office

Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.